Knowledgeable Representation
for All Your Criminal Defense Needs
Theft is a crime of moral turpitude. A conviction for theft can have negative effects for the rest of your life. Clients who are accused of shoplifting from a store will often receive a letter from a law firm saying they need to pay a fee because “they got caught stealing” from the store. People mistakenly assume that if they pay this fee the case will “go away.” It does not; the state will still prosecute the case. As with any criminal case, if you are accused of Theft, it is important to consult with an attorney before you respond to one of these letters or go to court. The way in which your case is resolved will also affect your right to an expunction or ability to seal your record. You cannot expunge a Deferred Adjudication.
People mistakenly assume that if they pay this fee the case will “go away.” It does not; the state will still prosecute the case. As with any criminal case, if you are accused of Theft, it is important to consult with an attorney before you respond to one of these letters or go to court. The way in which your case is resolved will also affect your right to an expunction or ability to seal your record. You cannot expunge a Deferred Adjudication.
As with other crimes, the ramifications of a theft conviction can stick with you for life. If you or someone you know is charged with a theft crime, it is important that you contact an attorney as soon as possible to help protect your record. The way in which your case is resolved will also affect your right to an expunction or ability to seal your record. You cannot expunge a Deferred Adjudication.